LAST WEEK Stella 200 Hot Collection Fav - Hot-Collection Agency
Stella arrived at my hotel right on time. I was really looking forward to seeing her (so many great reviews) and booked for 90 minutes. She looked absolutely fantastic. We had some pleasant conversation (her English is solid). She excused herself to go to the bathroom and came back in a black bra, panties, and stockings. She looked really good. From that point on, she made me do all the work, which was a real downer. We finished round 1 in thirty minutes flat (I figured if I prolonged things there was a chance I wouldn't pop at all, given her complete lack of energy). We cleaned up, and chatted some more. She asked me about my wife, then she talked about her boyfriend. Yikes, I guess that is what it took for her to get it through my thick head that she wanted to go home from work early. So I told her it was absolutely fine if she wanted to leave and return 50. That made her finally perk up. As they say, YMMV. It's too bad I did not get a good effort out of Stella, cause she really is a beauty. And, she is indeed a very nice and sweet girl. Good hunting, fellas!
More about LAST WEEK Stella 200 Hot Collection Fav
Age: 20
Nationality: e.european
Statistics: 34DD(natural)-24-34